Solomon's Porch


When you give, please specify the type of giving.

Tithe is your regular giving to the Lord (first 10% of one’s income).

Offering is any giving beyond the tithe.

  • General Offering is unspecified offering.
  • Missions supports our overseas and local mission efforts. You may specify which ministry or missionary you want your offering to go to. Click here to see a list of our missionaries and partner organizations.
  • Vision fund goes into our building budget. We are praying and waiting for the right premise to purchase as our long-term home.
  • Other is for specified giving not listed. Please clearly indicate what it is for.

Ways to Give

For cash & checks, use an envelope to store and indicate:

  1. Your name
  2. Purpose of your giving (tithe, general offering, missions, etc.)

Checks are made out to Solomon’s Porch Ltd.

On a Sunday
You can place your giving into the offering basket during offering time.

Tuesday – Friday
You can drop-off the envelope at the office from 9am – 5pm. If no one is in the office, you can slide it under the door.

Our office address is:
6B Two Chinachem Plaza
135 Des Voeux Road Central
Central, Hong Kong

For cash & checks, use an envelope to store and indicate:

  1. Your name
  2. Purpose of your giving (tithe, general offering, missions, etc.)

Checks are made out to Solomon’s Porch Ltd.

Please mail to:
Solomon’s Porch
6B Two Chinachem Plaza
135 Des Voeux Road Central
Central, Hong Kong

Please send an email to [email protected] with:

  1. Your Name
  2. Purpose of your transfer (tithe, general offering, missions, etc.)
  3. Details of your transfer (confirmation slip or message from bank)

This will help us greatly with our bookkeeping.

Payee name: Solomon’s Porch Limited
HSBC account #: 813-358512-838
Bank code: 004
Address: HSBC Hong Kong, 1 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong

Please send an email to [email protected] with:

  1. Your Name
  2. Purpose of your transfer (tithe, general offering, missions, etc.)
  3. Details of your transfer (screenshot of confirmation slip or message from bank)

Note that FPS usage is free of charge.

FPS Identifier: 160389045
Account Name: Solomon’s Porch Limited

If you are a U.S. taxpayer who wishes to receive receipts applicable to your U.S. tax filings, you may choose to give to Solomon’s Porch via Friends of Hong Kong Charities.

Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc. (FOHKC) is a registered tax-exempt organization in both the United States and in Hong Kong. FOHKC distributes donations to partner charities in Hong Kong. Less the direct cost of processing payments, 100% of all received donations distributed as grants to approved charities.

Giving Methods:

  • Giving by US$ or HK$ cheque – this is our most preferred method and has the shortest processing time. Please make cheques out to “Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc” and place in the offering basket during Sunday service, or mail to:
Finance Ministry, Solomon’s Porch
6B Two Chinachem Plaza
Des Voeux Road Central
Central, Hong Kong


    • Giving by credit card in HK dollars. Use this link ( and select “Solomon’s Porch Ltd” as your designated charity when completing the transaction. Please note that credit card processing fees of 3.1% will be deducted from your donation, and your receipt will be issued by FOHKC stating a donation amount net of these fees.
    • Giving by credit card in US dollars. Use this link ( to give via Network For Good/FOHKC. Please select “Solomon’s Porch, HK” as your designated charity. Upon completion of the transaction, you will receive an email with your donation receipt directly from Network For Good. Please note that credit card processing fees of 4% will be deducted from your donation, so SP will only receive 96% of the amount you give via Network for Good/FOHKC. Please also note that processing times for giving via credit card in US dollars can take up to several months, as payment is first made to Network For Good, who then transfers the monies to FOHKC, who then transfers the monies to SP. Solomon’s Porch has no control or influence over this process until we receive the monies from FOHKC.

Please note that due to lengthy processing times, Network for Good and FOHKC may only issue receipts several months after your donation is received. This is particularly important to note if you wish to receive your donation receipts in time for tax filing deadlines.

Financial Report

We are thankful that God always provides. In response to a generous God, we strive to be generous with our funds while remaining diligent in our stewardship of all God has given us. Please see the report that summarizes the latest key financials of the church.